INK 2020 is organised by a team of students from both postgraduate and undergraduate degrees at the University of Plymouth and I am proud to have been the General Editor of this year’s edition. Working closely with a team of students from various degrees such as English with Publishing, English and Creative Writing, Illustration, Graphic Communication with Typography and MA Publishing has allowed INK 2020 to fully engage with the theme of ‘Elements’ and explore various interpretations of the theme.
I would like to say thank you to the rest of the MA Publishing course; in particular Anna Young, Abigail Joyce and Saffron Saunderson. In addition, thank you to my team that has supported me, with special thanks to Emma Gill for going above and beyond in her role and Megan Culliford for a beautifully designed front cover. I would also like to extend my thanks to Miranda Spicer for her constant support, encouragement and invaluable guidance, as well as Paul Honeywill for his patience and wisdom when it came to making this anthology a printed reality.
Congratulations to the winners in each category: Katie Louise Stote for Poetry (To Ariel, Love Ariel); Éva Varga for Fiction (Wednesdays at 7AM); Matt Coot for Non-fiction (Bravery) and Tatum Croft for Illustration and Photography (Act For Australia).
Finally, I would like to extend my thanks to everyone who has submitted to INK 2020. We received a large volume of pieces of creative work, with over 100 submissions. We had limited space in this year’s anthology, with room for less than half the amount, and I hope that you will agree that the standard is high.