The Ocean holds its secrets,
like poker cards to its chest.
Its dark mysterious deepness
to discover; humanities quest.
Surf crashing in a storm,
tides rushing with such force,
demanding sailors to conform,
to the deceitful trojan horse.
The ferocity of the waves,
the sea wind of the night,
down below in silent caves,
alone in their twilight.
Vessels sunken deep,
seaweed tentacles tight,
anchored to its keep,
a decaying shipwrecked site.
So many spirits rest,
down where the light fades,
yet they are merely guests,
of the sea life serenades.
Beneath the dark blue waves,
where life is no longer found,
the fallen, peaceful in their graves,
no longer a battleground.
The Ocean never sleeps,
its beauty so inviting,
on the shore where small creatures creep,
or down deep where it’s mesmerising.